In the mid 1990’s, Rev Drs Geoff and Hazel Carr were approached by the Principal of Logos Christian College and Graduate School in Jacksonville, Florida, who shared with them a vision of a Bible College being pioneered in the UK and that he had been looking for a couple who would be prepared to take this on. To their surprise, he said he believed that they were that couple!
As he explained the type of college it was to be and what it would involve, Geoff and Hazel knew that if they agreed, it would be life-changing for them. They had the responsibility of pastoring Cornerstone Full Gospel Church, with ministries of teaching, preaching and operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So they already had their hands full. But if this was of God, how could they refuse? As we know, if God wants a job done, He often asks busy people!
Geoff and Hazel had to know for sure that it was a call on their own lives and so they very prayfully sought the Lord on this matter. They shared it with the church congregation, asking them to pray about it also. The outcome was that the confirmation they sought was given and that Geoff and Hazel must pioneer this work.
Despite major health issues experienced by Geoff, they developed the College in Dalgety Bay, establishing campuses in Hungary (which is still going very well today) and in Romania. Through the decades, they remained true to their calling and the original vision.
Shortly before Geoff’s home calling in 2012, he handed the mantle over to Rev Dr Osato Osaghae to take the College forward.