Rev Brenda M Torrance B. Rel A
Brenda is the newly appointed Principal of Logos College. For the last 20 years, Brenda has been actively involved in various women’s ministries, holding Board positions.
Coming from the care sector, with a good deal of management experience, she has been involved with the work in the College since 2008, when she first joined the staff as Dean of Students, later becoming Academic Dean and Registrar. Brenda has had considerable experience in developing material for new courses for the College and is fully committed to the vision originally given by God to the College founders.
She has a passion for teaching the unadulterated Word of God and has been able to express that in her work with youths as well as adults, including lecturing in Logos College and preaching and teaching in Cornerstone Church, where she is an Elder.
Miss Carol Carney B. Rel A
Carol is the current Dean of Students and a former student of Logos College.
She has been involved with the College work since 2009, when her studies began. She attained her Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Arts in 2013.
As well as looking after the students, Carol works alongside the other College staff in the preparation of lectures and development of courses, lending her secretarial skills to the work.
Carol has a ministry in praise and worship and she is the worship leader in Cornerstone Church, where she is also a Deacon.
She is committed to reaching others with the truth of the Word of God, both in song and in teaching.