We also affirm the power of God’s Word to accomplish His purpose of salvation. The message of the Bible is addressed to all mankind of God’s revelation in Christ and the scriptures are accurate and reliable.
We believe nothing can replace the importance of the local church in the plan of God. Each local church should be under the immediate sovereignty of the Holy Spirit and should determine its own character and role in obedience to the will of God.
We believe the Holy Spirit still speaks today through the Bible. He illuminates the minds of God’s people in every culture to preserve its truth freshly through their own eyes and thus discloses to the Church even more of the manifold wisdom of God.
We accept the full spiritual authority, the reliability and divine inspiration of the Bible, however, our view of scripture is conservative and affirmative, rather than narrowly legalistic.
We believe membership of the Church is signified by joyful participation in its worship, fellowship, sacraments, witness and by acceptance of its discipline. This union with Christ through His Church (which is His “Body” on earth) brings with it God’s promise of eternal life and of an inheritance in His Kingdom.
We believe that the task of the local church is to propagate itself by outreach and evangelism and the great task of the combined Church is world evangelism. Entrance into the Church is not to be hereditary, by good works, nor by other means except “the new birth”, which is brought about by genuine repentance of sin, confession of Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of the world and surrender to Him as Lord.
Although not opposed to liturgical patterns, we believe that true worship should be spontaneous, that it must involve the worshipper’s total being, and that a free style of worship is more effective and spiritually powerful than one that is tightly liturgical.
We believe that bodily healing was achieved for every believer at Calvary, and this healing should be appropriated by faith, especially in conjunction with the following: observation of communion, anointing with oil, the laying on of hands, prayer – all in the Name of Jesus, WHO ALONE is the Healer.
We believe in the reality of Satan and the kingdom of darkness over which he reigns, and of the absolute triumph of Jesus Christ over the devil and all his works.
We believe that faith is the key to activating the limitless power of the promises of God. This faith is released by boldly claiming these promises in the Name of Jesus Christ and addressing them to the situation at the time in confident anticipation of their fulfilment. Whilst for some for whom obedience to God’s call will bring hardship and material poverty, but never failure, the richness of God’s provision to meet the needs of man in all realms is without limit and the Christian should have one unyielding goal: to succeed in doing all that God commands.
Embracing the identity and mission the above points give us, we could be described as a conservative, evangelical, Holy Spirit-led and ministry-motivated College. This is the position maintained in our courses, however, we do respect other viewpoints and thus try to avoid being rigidly dogmatic or unfairly critical of those who differ from us.